Who am I?



Born for Fighting

Impossible is Nothing

Share for Everything




Purba Purnama….yeah..that’s my name from my parents whose gave this name with love. I was born on June 10th 1982. I am young scientist and student in bio-polymer field.

I finished my schools (elementary, junior and senior high school) in Slawi City (southern part of Tegal City. I continued to study at Dept Chemistry, University of Indonesia 2000. Thanks to the God, Finally I could finish it within 7 semesters with “Cum Laude “ Honor on January 2004.

I had so many experiences in various area since PT Curug Lestari Maju-Wooden frame industry (2004), Swiss German University (2004), PT Batan Teknologi (2005), PT Dongsung NSC (2005) hingga PT Plasindo Lestari -plastic converter (2006) and PT Kalbe Morinaga Indonesia (2007). I got many knowledges from those professional experiences about strategy, leadership, problem solving, risk management, and others.

After thought that I had enough professional experiences, I decided to focus on my dream….become scientist. So, February 2009, I went to South Korea for joining International Research and Development Academy (IRDA) in KIST-UST. Here, my research focus on processing and modification of polylactide material by utilizing supercritical fluid technology. I finished my MS-PhD program only within 7 semesters.

Now, I am post-doctoral fellow in Biomaterials Research Center, KIST. I have a dream to return back to Indonesia and develop my country with my knowledge. I am pretty sure that Indonesian student can compete in science and technology.

So, wish me luck to achieve my dream become world class scientist. Dream is starting point of the reality in the future.


Thank you,
Purba Purnama
Born For Fighting, Impossible is Nothing, Share for everything

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